Mar 5, 2008

Hey...whats he doing over there?!?

Sitting in the computer lab at Tuttleman (Temple University building) and its right before class and its a ton of people standing in line to use the computers. Normally i would have gotten up and left a long time ago (the guilt of making someone wait while I'm on facebook is unbearable), but not today. I have strategically positioned myself in the far back corner so that it looks like Im doing some serious typing....probably for a paper thats due this morning. thought that was clever and wanted to share it with the world (world craig)...haha thought of a funny clip

P.S. making people wait for a computer while your on Facebook is NOT cool, its only acceptable if your posting a blog or doing real work. Those are the most pressing things in life these days...i guess


B Harg. said...

lmao how you of you

Cousin Chris said...

"Not just this parking lot. The WORLD, Craig!!!"