Aug 14, 2008

I'm cheesin'

(excuse the language but you must understand my excitement!)


Honestly if you know me then you know I smile a lot....a whole lot, but this is the happiest smile I have ever had. I'm smiling while I'm typing this. This is the most amazing feeling ever. I just performed my oral exam for German II and blew that 'ish out the water.

And today at 9:55pm I will be on a plane back to Pittsburgh (my favorite place in the world right now) to chill with my couldn't get any better.

Thank you God for helping me through the 3 years that were my college experience and making me the man I am today. You have been there through every struggle and never let me down. You gave me the strength to push myself to the limit and the wisdom to know when to just let go. Please continue to bless me on my way through life, and grant me all of the tools necessary to do your will and make my life what you will have it be.


Thanks to all of the people who made me who I am today. I am forever grateful.

To my friends:
I couldn't ask for more. You have seen and made me smile my entire life. I cannot wait to progress into another realm of life with you all on my side.

To my family:
You have seen me smile and cry. You have offered your shoulder, your ear, your voice, your money, and your time day in and day out. I love you all, those with the same last name and those without. You are my army of brothers and sisters and I would walk into battle with each and every one of you at a moments notice.

We did it!

1 comment:

Madeleine said...
