Jul 31, 2008

A woman who "knows"

I hesitate to put this on my page, but at this point I feel like you readers may be the only ones willing to sit still long enough to hear me out (plus if you get up and leave, I can't see you so it won't hurt my feelings).

I have had a lot on my mind lately and haven't given anyone the opportunity to hear me out. My fault completely and I'm not upset at all that this battle raging on in my head has not been released to the world. In fact, I chose to keep it right where it was...anyway...on to the meat and potatoes.


There is nothing better that a woman who "knows". More often this woman is a little bit older than you, but it doesn't matter because its always cool. She's always cool. No stress, no drama, no maintenance, just cool. I'm not saying these women don't exist, but just like there are a lot of b**ch n***as, there are a lot of women who don't "know". I say most times they are older because an older woman has been around and has seen the baller, hustler, thug, prettyboy, b**ch n***a, etc. and she really understands the value of making herself (ladies don't hate me) more marketable. I'm not sayin that guys don't have a lotta stuff to take care of in order to be worthy of a woman who "knows" because there are a lot of "ain't shit" n***as in the world, and I'm not a fan of them, but I think its a lot easier for women to get away with not "knowing" than it is for a man to get away with being...for lack of a better word...worthless.

When I say, a woman who "knows" I mean: a woman who knows how to take care of a man.

If you read that and think you know, then you have no idea. Terrible pun, I know (haha), but its true. A woman who knows doesn't think about it, it just happens. No akward lapses in communication when the man is done presenting topics of discussion. She pleases herself and you without thinking twice or feeling like shes "doing all the work". She likes all the stuff you like and its not a problem because it just so happens to be the same stuff that she likes too. And a whole lot of other things. I am not stupid enough to think that all of these things should happen without a man pulling his weight. But what women who don't know, don't know, is that a man would have no problem pulling his weight if this was the result.

Now we reach the issue of, "well what if I do my part and that doesn't happen?"

Well, at that point you will be able to identify one of three things: a b***h n***a, a woman who doesn't know, or someone who obviously doesn't like you as much as you like them. At that point you should turn and walk away...unless you don't mind (and I am pretty sure after a while you will).

But back to my point. With a woman who knows you won't ever reach that point because she knows what you, "a man" needs. Now the qualifications for being worthy of a woman who knows are simple- Be a man. Own that shit, live that shit, and love it. Its not always easy and the transition is a tough one to make, but once you do the benifits are amazing.

I'm done. Thanks for listening...I still got a lot of other stuff goin on upstairs, but that shit is personal. This was good though, I needed it. Hopefully, this wasn't just a one night stand and I can call you later.

Jul 23, 2008

Good Laughs

If ever you want a good laugh...go to Jake&Amir. This might be one of the funniest sites ever

I drooled a lot as a child.

This is me when I was younger...not much has changed.

On second thought...I have grown about four feet since then, but other than that you could pretty much identify me today from this picture.

Maybe I'll see if they could use this as my driver's license photo- I have traffic court on Friday, I'll ask the judge.

Jul 17, 2008

Sammy Sosa


I really hate baseball, partially because curve balls really throw me off (yes i played for one year when I was younger).

F**k me...I quit baseball so I didn't have to deal with the curves anymore - I guess some people were just meant to endure certain things. For me that thing is an overwhelming amount of curve balls and wild pitches.
Well, roads travel everywhere- name a place and I'll find you a road. My place is far from here, if I see you on my way to forever I won't be sad, but I can say it will be unexpected.

Jul 16, 2008

LMAO! (retrospective)

I'm walking around with a video camera for the rest of my life (period)

Went to Atlantic City this past weekend-NUTS

I'm going to begin by telling you that we left my house at 2:30am on Saturday, and end by telling you it was one of those events that I will never ever forget (and it was only 45 minutes away)...


"I take big risks. Sometimes I get big rewards...but I'm always ready for big consequences"

Couldn't have said it better myself, and that's how its gonna be from now until forever.


I, due to personal obligations, am unable to disclose information pertaining to this weekend and its events. But I can leave you with a quick convo that is irrelevant to what happened in A.C. and completely misplaced...

Friend1: "Make love not war"
Friend2: "Na, love is some powerful s**t that make people do crazy things. I'd rather just f**k somebody"
Friend1: "True"

Jul 14, 2008


Life is no joke-

Its actually a series of random events that places one person in a specific place at a specific time.

'No Country for Old Men' is a sick a$$ movie...I too like my brotha from anotha Chris F. procrastinated and waited until it was too late. But worry not friends, I have seen the light (not literally but you know what I mean).

Anyways the movie is pretty good. But what made it so good to me was one scene, and for the sake of forcing you to go watch it your damn self I am not putting it up.

"If the road that you were on brought you here, what good was the road?" - then he killed her.

No clue why but I really like that part (actually any part when the crazy guy was talking...dude was deep) but it did make me think about life and where I'm headed-

Well you can watch the movie or not, but it is good and the crazy guy is a certified bada$$.