Jun 17, 2011

Progress Progress Progress

Mid year reviews are coming up...

Im pumped. I should be getting promoted.

More money...(ALWAYS a good thing)

Closer to the next promotion.

Jun 12, 2011

Here we go...

So since May 13 a lot has changed.

My goal has always been to make a million dollars by the age of 25.

That being said...I am very far behind...not to say im broke by any means, but a million dollars is a lot of money. So I have a ways to go...


I have mapped out a plan to hit this goal. It is going to take a LOT of hard work and long hours, but Im going to stick with it and see what happens.

1) Promotion - I am expecting a promotion within the next month or so which will give me a financial boost and increase my working capital.
2) Save - Living on my current budget will give me a chance to save a significant amount of money in the next 3 - 4 months
3) Continue my education - apart of building Mastermind Business has always been to aquire property being well versed in this area will serve as a significant advantage
4) Make a significant investment by December 2011 - this has already been mapped out in a private notebook, but you gets none of those details until it materializes.

Apr 12, 2011

What do you think???

When People Show You Who They Are Should You Believe Them?

People dont change they just figure out whats important...

Mar 29, 2011


I'm going to go to the Improv, but...

A) I'm ballin' on a budget right now (PS I hate budgets...but nows not the time)
B) How terrible is going to a comedy show alone. I can see it now...

Me: That was an awesome show, that joke about the midget was hilarious. HAHAHAHA! Oh and how about the food, oh man...
Other Pers.................SHIT(PS This blog is PG-13 for strong language and nudity)

LOL...whose getting naked?!?

My stream of consciousness is a flow of nonsense I swear...smh.


Sports: Yes
Dogs: Yes
Drawing/Music: Yes
Drinking: YES!

...I feel like Flo...

I digress...

hmmm...comedy: yes ...now we're cookin'
Comedy club? (I heard there was an improv...)



So I was doing a quick search to find out "How to meet people in a new area" ....you can ridicule me about how lame that is later...I didnt read past the first couple sentances, but what struck me and instantly made sense is that you should look to meet people in places where you would already like to be...(first thought...bar)

Second thought (a bit more productive)....I need to find out what I really have an interest in.

HMMMMM...Lightbulb...thus here I am. Not that blogging is something that would help me meet people, but I figure why not use this opportunity to begin our journey together. I have so many ideas for this page...Ima drop a few dimes on ya right quick:

$1,000,000.00 in 365 days

Getting closer to God

The Bucket List

Rise to the Top: A tale of ambition

Anyways before I commit to more that I can handle lets focus on finding out what the hell is going to keep me entertained out here in the middle of nowhere. Thus we begin....


Mar 1, 2011


I live in Ohio...I dont have much else to do but work...I'm back.