Aug 30, 2008


As I looked around I saw hundreds of people around me. Of all different nations and races. Some were older and some younger, but they all had one very important thing in common. They had reached a point where they had to choose. Choose what they were going to do, how they were going to live, and who they were going to be. For some the choice was so simple and obvious it was as though they had no choice at all, but for others the choice was not so easy. It brought their whole reality crashing down around them and made them fear the events to come.

For days on end they would go sleepless, lying in bed contemplating what lay ahead. Their energy was significantly diminished and their will to continue was lost. Although all around them they saw the decay of those who chose the wrong path, their fear of change engulfed them and they became the living dead; a piece of the decay around them.

And then there were still others who had learned on their path to this choice a series of lessons that would teach them to understand that there are those who were willing to help. Those, for whom the choice was obvious, who could understand their struggle to choose correctly and assist them in making a better decision. Though these "others" are called proteges and usually carry the glory of changing nations, it is those who teach them, the "helpers" who determine the fate of the world.


Aug 22, 2008

And beauty was her name-

If by chance you come by my page Mrs. Gabrielle Union one day while you are just cruisin' the internet (lookin' all fine, I'm sure). I just want you to know that if you are EVER looking for some company on a Wednesday afternoon. You can call me: 412-498-2208.

That is all.

An American Classic

FARGO is a really good movie...if you haven't seen it I suggest you do so.

What the hell did he need that money for...please someone see it so we can talk!

Aug 14, 2008

I'm cheesin'

(excuse the language but you must understand my excitement!)


Honestly if you know me then you know I smile a lot....a whole lot, but this is the happiest smile I have ever had. I'm smiling while I'm typing this. This is the most amazing feeling ever. I just performed my oral exam for German II and blew that 'ish out the water.

And today at 9:55pm I will be on a plane back to Pittsburgh (my favorite place in the world right now) to chill with my couldn't get any better.

Thank you God for helping me through the 3 years that were my college experience and making me the man I am today. You have been there through every struggle and never let me down. You gave me the strength to push myself to the limit and the wisdom to know when to just let go. Please continue to bless me on my way through life, and grant me all of the tools necessary to do your will and make my life what you will have it be.


Thanks to all of the people who made me who I am today. I am forever grateful.

To my friends:
I couldn't ask for more. You have seen and made me smile my entire life. I cannot wait to progress into another realm of life with you all on my side.

To my family:
You have seen me smile and cry. You have offered your shoulder, your ear, your voice, your money, and your time day in and day out. I love you all, those with the same last name and those without. You are my army of brothers and sisters and I would walk into battle with each and every one of you at a moments notice.

We did it!

Aug 6, 2008

Gimme that, matta fact, gimme that rack

I have an addiction...
Yes, it took me a while to figure out what really gets my engine revving these days, but I figured it out.
In the last 2 weeks I have bought just shy of 15 new movies.

Have I watched them you ask?

Ballin' you say?
(Wal-mart bargain bin)<-----thats me letting the cat out the bag...meow

But they are all excellent movies. Movies that every movie lover should have in their collection.

So now, like a crackhead I am on the hunt for another rock, but my rock is a lot bigger and much more square and pretty impossible to smoke. I have a list, I don't want to know if you have seen these movies anywhere...the hunt is all apart of the fun (the biggest difference between me and a crackhead). I will keep you posted on my progress.

How High
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Little Rascals
The Sandlot
Matrix I & III
Rocky (The Collectors Edition)
Mo' Money
Blank Check

It goes on, but these are my most pressing needs right now.

Ill holla!