Oct 5, 2008

Love, Peace, and chicken grease

So with this, my last post as the unusual suspect, I retire from this blog world.

Some people do it extremely well, shout to Yoda, Bonita, Aden and Whitney. Others...ehh not so much, shout to myself and all of the other mediocre bloggers out there...you know who you are (ooooo burn).

I have toyed with this decision for a while now and its official. The Unusual Suspect is done and over with. In place of the time that I spent surfing the net and writing here I am starting a professional development for college students project that will be the launching pad for something that I have always wanted to do...teach (bet ya never knew that huh!)

As a recruiter my job is to place the perfect candidate into the right job. It is unreal how many people I see who are 35 -40 years old who never had the opportunity to do exactly what it was that they wanted. Or the college grads that I have to pass over even though they can do the job but don't have enough "experience".

Now more than ever experience is what determines how successful you are once you graduate and as a professional developer it is my job to make sure that you are able to get in contact with the right people who can give you the experience you need to make it once you graduate.

I know a lot of you who are reading this have made those connections and I commend you, but for those who haven't its not too late and I would advise you to start now. Build beneficial relationships with people you can learn from and learn with. If you don't know where to start, start with me. I would be more that happy to share my network and information with you.

Anything from writing resumes and getting internships, to finding funding to start a business or budgeting your personal finances. I guarantee that if I don't know I can put you in contact with someone who does so that you can chase your dreams now instead of later.

You can reach me at:

Ask for Calvin

PS...I might come back like Jordan wearing the 4-5, but it ain't to play games with you.

Sep 19, 2008

T.G.I. Friday

So I had a half day at work today...

Getting used to working full-time is a big adjustment. I was thinking about it in the car on my way to work the other day: "Calvin (yes I do refer to myself in the 3rd person), you are going to have to wake up this early everyday for the rest of the time you spend with this company...are you ready for that?"

I came to the conclusion that I was and continued the day thinking that there would be no more getting out early or coming in late without consequences. Then today happened. We had a HUGE week at the office, wont bore you with details but a few people raked in some serious coin, so our Director of Business Operations (now isn't that a hell of a title) said we can go home early. A little reward for all of our hard work...now wasn't that sweet.

YES!...I got home today at 12:30pm. And now I'm coastin' thru the rest of the day and right into the weekend. Im expecting a relaxing next three days.

Wouldn't you with a Friday like that?

Sep 16, 2008

And I grabbed that one too...

Fear and Loathing
Fight Club
New Jack City
Harlem Nights
Breakin' 1 & 2

-and now I am the proud owner of The Boondock Saints, which is a excellent flick. It has a little bit of everything...humor, action, irony, crazy ass ending/plot...its pretty dope from all aspects.

But I wont hold you anymore, I was just excited and wanted to let you know that my mission to have the sickest movie collection known to man is going well thus far.

Standing Ovation!

Yoda put me on to this spot a while back, and well...Thank you sir.

It was amazing.

Sep 10, 2008

How mad was your mother when she heard this?

If you haven't heard already, my boy Chad Johnson officially changed his name to Chad Ocho Cinco...I don't care what anyone says...


This man puts T.O. to shame but does it in a way that doesn't make you hate him. Basically, the guy has a freakin' personality and to be honest guys like Chad Ocho Cinco make sports news worth watching, because you never know what is going to happen next.

There is only one drawback to the new name....

Because it was such a late change Reebok is making him buy all 4million dollars worth of "Chad Johnson" jerseys in exchange for printing all new Chad Ocho Cinco ones (ouch)...come on Chad, if you wanted to waste money give it to charity, buy a new house, hell...give it to me, but buying 4million dollars worth of jerseys with your old name is a little much.

Its not official yet, but I am really interested to see if he goes through with this one.

Sep 9, 2008


I heard this song today and it took me back to the days of Mighty Ducks and Free Willy

Speaking of Free Willy...

Did I mention that these were two of my favorite movies as a kid?

September 14-19

I am very excited...I really suggest that everyone goes. Either alone, with a group, or on a date. Nothing beats good food with good company.

Can I get an Amen?

Aug 30, 2008


As I looked around I saw hundreds of people around me. Of all different nations and races. Some were older and some younger, but they all had one very important thing in common. They had reached a point where they had to choose. Choose what they were going to do, how they were going to live, and who they were going to be. For some the choice was so simple and obvious it was as though they had no choice at all, but for others the choice was not so easy. It brought their whole reality crashing down around them and made them fear the events to come.

For days on end they would go sleepless, lying in bed contemplating what lay ahead. Their energy was significantly diminished and their will to continue was lost. Although all around them they saw the decay of those who chose the wrong path, their fear of change engulfed them and they became the living dead; a piece of the decay around them.

And then there were still others who had learned on their path to this choice a series of lessons that would teach them to understand that there are those who were willing to help. Those, for whom the choice was obvious, who could understand their struggle to choose correctly and assist them in making a better decision. Though these "others" are called proteges and usually carry the glory of changing nations, it is those who teach them, the "helpers" who determine the fate of the world.


Aug 22, 2008

And beauty was her name-

If by chance you come by my page Mrs. Gabrielle Union one day while you are just cruisin' the internet (lookin' all fine, I'm sure). I just want you to know that if you are EVER looking for some company on a Wednesday afternoon. You can call me: 412-498-2208.

That is all.

An American Classic

FARGO is a really good movie...if you haven't seen it I suggest you do so.

What the hell did he need that money for...please someone see it so we can talk!

Aug 14, 2008

I'm cheesin'

(excuse the language but you must understand my excitement!)


Honestly if you know me then you know I smile a lot....a whole lot, but this is the happiest smile I have ever had. I'm smiling while I'm typing this. This is the most amazing feeling ever. I just performed my oral exam for German II and blew that 'ish out the water.

And today at 9:55pm I will be on a plane back to Pittsburgh (my favorite place in the world right now) to chill with my kinfolk...life couldn't get any better.

Thank you God for helping me through the 3 years that were my college experience and making me the man I am today. You have been there through every struggle and never let me down. You gave me the strength to push myself to the limit and the wisdom to know when to just let go. Please continue to bless me on my way through life, and grant me all of the tools necessary to do your will and make my life what you will have it be.


Thanks to all of the people who made me who I am today. I am forever grateful.

To my friends:
I couldn't ask for more. You have seen and made me smile my entire life. I cannot wait to progress into another realm of life with you all on my side.

To my family:
You have seen me smile and cry. You have offered your shoulder, your ear, your voice, your money, and your time day in and day out. I love you all, those with the same last name and those without. You are my army of brothers and sisters and I would walk into battle with each and every one of you at a moments notice.

We did it!

Aug 6, 2008

Gimme that, matta fact, gimme that rack

I have an addiction...
Yes, it took me a while to figure out what really gets my engine revving these days, but I figured it out.
In the last 2 weeks I have bought just shy of 15 new movies.

Have I watched them you ask?

Ballin' you say?
(Wal-mart bargain bin)<-----thats me letting the cat out the bag...meow

But they are all excellent movies. Movies that every movie lover should have in their collection.

So now, like a crackhead I am on the hunt for another rock, but my rock is a lot bigger and much more square and pretty impossible to smoke. I have a list, I don't want to know if you have seen these movies anywhere...the hunt is all apart of the fun (the biggest difference between me and a crackhead). I will keep you posted on my progress.

How High
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Little Rascals
The Sandlot
Matrix I & III
Rocky (The Collectors Edition)
Mo' Money
Blank Check

It goes on, but these are my most pressing needs right now.

Ill holla!

Jul 31, 2008

A woman who "knows"

I hesitate to put this on my page, but at this point I feel like you readers may be the only ones willing to sit still long enough to hear me out (plus if you get up and leave, I can't see you so it won't hurt my feelings).

I have had a lot on my mind lately and haven't given anyone the opportunity to hear me out. My fault completely and I'm not upset at all that this battle raging on in my head has not been released to the world. In fact, I chose to keep it right where it was...anyway...on to the meat and potatoes.


There is nothing better that a woman who "knows". More often this woman is a little bit older than you, but it doesn't matter because its always cool. She's always cool. No stress, no drama, no maintenance, just cool. I'm not saying these women don't exist, but just like there are a lot of b**ch n***as, there are a lot of women who don't "know". I say most times they are older because an older woman has been around and has seen the baller, hustler, thug, prettyboy, b**ch n***a, etc. and she really understands the value of making herself (ladies don't hate me) more marketable. I'm not sayin that guys don't have a lotta stuff to take care of in order to be worthy of a woman who "knows" because there are a lot of "ain't shit" n***as in the world, and I'm not a fan of them, but I think its a lot easier for women to get away with not "knowing" than it is for a man to get away with being...for lack of a better word...worthless.

When I say, a woman who "knows" I mean: a woman who knows how to take care of a man.

If you read that and think you know, then you have no idea. Terrible pun, I know (haha), but its true. A woman who knows doesn't think about it, it just happens. No akward lapses in communication when the man is done presenting topics of discussion. She pleases herself and you without thinking twice or feeling like shes "doing all the work". She likes all the stuff you like and its not a problem because it just so happens to be the same stuff that she likes too. And a whole lot of other things. I am not stupid enough to think that all of these things should happen without a man pulling his weight. But what women who don't know, don't know, is that a man would have no problem pulling his weight if this was the result.

Now we reach the issue of, "well what if I do my part and that doesn't happen?"

Well, at that point you will be able to identify one of three things: a b***h n***a, a woman who doesn't know, or someone who obviously doesn't like you as much as you like them. At that point you should turn and walk away...unless you don't mind (and I am pretty sure after a while you will).

But back to my point. With a woman who knows you won't ever reach that point because she knows what you, "a man" needs. Now the qualifications for being worthy of a woman who knows are simple- Be a man. Own that shit, live that shit, and love it. Its not always easy and the transition is a tough one to make, but once you do the benifits are amazing.

I'm done. Thanks for listening...I still got a lot of other stuff goin on upstairs, but that shit is personal. This was good though, I needed it. Hopefully, this wasn't just a one night stand and I can call you later.

Jul 23, 2008

Good Laughs

If ever you want a good laugh...go to Jake&Amir. This might be one of the funniest sites ever

I drooled a lot as a child.

This is me when I was younger...not much has changed.

On second thought...I have grown about four feet since then, but other than that you could pretty much identify me today from this picture.

Maybe I'll see if they could use this as my driver's license photo- I have traffic court on Friday, I'll ask the judge.

Jul 17, 2008

Sammy Sosa


I really hate baseball, partially because curve balls really throw me off (yes i played for one year when I was younger).

F**k me...I quit baseball so I didn't have to deal with the curves anymore - I guess some people were just meant to endure certain things. For me that thing is an overwhelming amount of curve balls and wild pitches.
Well, roads travel everywhere- name a place and I'll find you a road. My place is far from here, if I see you on my way to forever I won't be sad, but I can say it will be unexpected.

Jul 16, 2008

LMAO! (retrospective)

I'm walking around with a video camera for the rest of my life (period)

Went to Atlantic City this past weekend-NUTS

I'm going to begin by telling you that we left my house at 2:30am on Saturday, and end by telling you it was one of those events that I will never ever forget (and it was only 45 minutes away)...


"I take big risks. Sometimes I get big rewards...but I'm always ready for big consequences"

Couldn't have said it better myself, and that's how its gonna be from now until forever.


I, due to personal obligations, am unable to disclose information pertaining to this weekend and its events. But I can leave you with a quick convo that is irrelevant to what happened in A.C. and completely misplaced...

Friend1: "Make love not war"
Friend2: "Na, love is some powerful s**t that make people do crazy things. I'd rather just f**k somebody"
Friend1: "True"

Jul 14, 2008


Life is no joke-

Its actually a series of random events that places one person in a specific place at a specific time.

'No Country for Old Men' is a sick a$$ movie...I too like my brotha from anotha Chris F. procrastinated and waited until it was too late. But worry not friends, I have seen the light (not literally but you know what I mean).

Anyways the movie is pretty good. But what made it so good to me was one scene, and for the sake of forcing you to go watch it your damn self I am not putting it up.

"If the road that you were on brought you here, what good was the road?" - then he killed her.

No clue why but I really like that part (actually any part when the crazy guy was talking...dude was deep) but it did make me think about life and where I'm headed-

Well you can watch the movie or not, but it is good and the crazy guy is a certified bada$$.

Jun 30, 2008

Talent Scout!

I was just playin around on the internet, and I thoroughly enjoyed this kids talent.

Jun 29, 2008

Prophecy fulfulled

I spent my lucky dollar on Friday.

Ironically nothing amazing happened- actually it was a pretty unlucky day.


Its over. I have turned the page, I am now in a new chapter of my life. Literally.
Pretty funny how you think you're at the bottom when really you're just in the middle on your way to the top .:wink:.

People say don't look down, but I always take a quick glance. Because if you don't you will always be at the bottom...just make sure you look UP every now and again so you don't think your on top.

Jun 25, 2008

365 days later...

First off- sorry its not earlier homie-


Enjoy it, bruh!

That is all.

Jun 22, 2008

Film Review

No matter how old I get "Little Rascals" will always be one of my favorite movies (if you're wondering...yes I did just watch it)

For several reasons:
1) The movie was shot with only kids- different from "The Sandlot" (which is also in my top 5) where the kids were a little older- this was all kids from 4 - 7 years old. I can't even get my cousins to listen to me for 10 minutes imagine trying to make a movie.

2) Even with the kids being so young the movie still had humor for all ages, as well as an entertaining storyline.

3) Have you ever watched little kids interact with one another- its priceless - and the producer captured it perfectly. From the love note to Darla, to "Whats the number for 9-1-1", to the attempt to get a bank loan, this cinamatic adventure (thanks Dane Cook) allowed us to see the world from a childs point of view.

4)Buckwheat and Porky- probably the most dynamic movie duo ever. they played off of each other every scene and it was hilarious...at the age of 4 or 5 they were acting legends in my eyes.

Watch these and then try to argue with me:

Jun 19, 2008


So I was talking to my mom this weekend (yes in person- and it felt so good- and I'm still smiling...i digress (Ill do a post about moms later)) and we had a great conversation about growing up.

Let me tell you (again, like most things I say but dont understand this is one of them- you dont have to let me tell you; I'm going to do it anyways) it was one for the books...

"When you dont see someone for a long time they get 'frozen' at whatever age or in the last situation that you saw them in" - MOM

SO TRUE- little miss sunshine can vouch for me when I say I still picture Keri, my youngest sister, as a "baby" too young to drive/date/club/leave the house without someone going with her. Its a very interesting reality, taht when you dont see someone for ages you can't imagine them different from when you saw them last.

That said, my youth pastor from wayyyyy back has a facebook and friended me (very cool). While replying to one of his messages I thought about the conversation that my mom and I had, and wondered what he still sees me as, and its blowing me away.

He would be one of those people who could say, "I remember you when you...(feel free to fill in the blank with some of the most embarassing/funny/ akward times in your life) and now that I'm older I wonder if he still pictures me as the skrawny kid that played basketball and went to small group every week.

Well Dave if you get the chance to read this- first and foremost thanks for being there during the rough patches in high school, I really appreciate it. Secondly, tell the family I said HI, and Crossroads is still Crossroads but its not the same without you guys there every Sunday. Finally, I've grown haha hopefully I'll see you soon so you can fill in the blanks (I remember when you _______)

Jun 16, 2008

Why wait...

Why wait...here's some more right now

Can we get on the map?

This cat is soooo Pixburgh- check the accent

Hopefully you see more of Wiz in the future...

Jun 14, 2008

Did I do that?

As long as everyday is better than the day before, you're doing something right...

I woke up-already its better...becasue I went to sleep wondering if I would (not really because thats kind of wierd) but I think you get the idea.

That wasnt even what I wanted to write, but my fingers just started typing- hmm- I like it.

Do you ever think that some stuff happens for a specific reason and you will change someones life and never know it. Like what my fingers just wrote was extremely left of what I wanted to do, but I'm going to leave it. Maybe someone is having a terrible day and they read that and become inspired to not let the day get to them and they go on and do something great...all because of my fingers (chuckle). Its a stretch, but as the little black kid from "Angels in the Outfield" would say: "Hey, it could happen."

Jun 9, 2008

Whoops Ima Genius

I really like people who inspire me to do creative things- most creativity actully happens on accident. I should tell you what made me think to do this but it would make this just seem like something that you could have thought of doing, thus making it n0t that special. If you read this and think: "I should give this a try, mine would be so much better" then you are on the right track to utilizing all of your creative ability. I dont think that anything is original...PAUSE...but everything is original at the same time- meaning everthing comes from somewhere and it just depends on who has the thought first how it is portrayed and how it becomes something different or more "original" than anything else. Everyone has a creative light you just have to figure out how to use it. Just be different...this is what you were made for (or be the same, whichever one you feel is more fitting for you.

Peace I'm Out :)

Running in Place

Today for the first time in my life I did a workout on a treadmill

.:A little intro is appropriate here:.

For those who dont know...getting in shape is one of my goals for this summer and so I am taking a swimming and weightlifting class (oh yea for credits to graduate) this summer as well as doing some solo workouts here and there.

Let me tell you...I thought Treadmills were for people who were too lazy to go outside (very ironic), but my eyes were opened today- in the midst of a heat wave I was able to get an amazing cardio workout in without leaving the gym-

You may have read that and wondered:
"OK..so whats the point???"


There was none...thanks for reading!

(if it makes you feel better heres a little tribute to Treadmills around the world)

Jun 7, 2008

Im in LOVE

Summer '09...you have no idea-

Makes you wanna party

Have a listen...

Im sure you'd disagree

Originality is the ART of concealing your SOURCES...
Im on a roll these days YODA

Good Season

Sooo close- my heart goes out to all of the Pens fans in the "Burgh"

Urban Development


There is a law (well if you wanna call it that feel free) that allows residents to purchase property in the Philadelphia area at a lesser price...well kinda.

Tax abatement (sounds illegal-its not dont worry)- is what is going on in Philadelphia. If you buy a property you have a 10 year break on the property taxes that you would pay to own that land.

Basically if you buy a million dollar property in Center City instead of paying $12,000/yr in taxes you pay $1,200- sweet right!...ehhh not so much

The demand for more property increases and makes the value of the properties in the area go up and those who were here before the program was established are now paying higher property taxes. So yea if your new to the area its a great deal, but for those who have lived here their entire lives its a swift kick in the crotch (ouch). hmmmm


So if we figure out how to make tax abatement work for long time residents and not just for out-of-towners trying to save a buck we can put more money in the hands of people who are most important when it comes to stimulating the local economy?

Ill work on it...give you an update soon.

FUN FACT OF THE DAY (brought to you by little miss sunshine):

60% of all Philadelphia property is owned by a New York resident.

Jun 4, 2008

Thinkin it thru

The choices we make determine who we are...
So if you just cant choose does that make you nobody?
Confused much-Ill say so...

May 28, 2008

Hope Springs Eternal...

Today was rough- no other words to describe it...just rough

But the reason i am writing this is not to vent but to let everyone know that GOD is the man. Im not tryna preach (well actually i am...i dont know why people say that right before they talk about religion), but today was one of those days where i just wanted to just give up. What did i do you ask!


Lets just say the MAN upstairs came thru (as he always does)...I got lost in probably the most beautiful place ever. I think it was so "purdy" cuz it reminded me of home, and boy oh boy do i miss that place, but then HE got me thinking about slowing things down...when im home everything is smooth and calm but things still get done; this city life made me forget that a little bit. But i sure do remember now!

So a little piece of advice for everyone who is having a rough day, week, month, year, decade, life...SLOW DOWN, NEVER GIVE UP, and ALWAYS HAVE FAITH becasue it always works out, maybe not the way you want it to, but things always work out.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest:
The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.
-Alexander Pope

May 27, 2008

Mr. Dantley's Neighborhood

Well ladies and gentlemen i have a very interesting subject of conversation for you all today....last night i had a conversation about the importance of college in today's society- hmmm you say! go on you say! RIGHTO on we go!
Today, where the power of your network is much more important than the power of your brain (sad but true) how important is a piece of paper that says you took 123 credits and learned what it means to be an economist (or whatever your respective major)...now the terms of the conversation:
1) think long and hard about how much of what you learn in school you actually retain
2) understand that there are millions of people without a degree who are doing amazing things
3)realize that most jobs today are obtained through a connection that someone has within an organization
4)ask yourself what exactly do you want to do with your life and how well is college preparing you to do that
On my end I truly do understand the value of a college education and am extremely proud to say that I graduated from .:cough:. Temple.:cough:. (only joking TU is great), but I like to play devils advocate a LOT and often times wonder and argue that every opportunity i have availible to me now would be availible if i didnt go to college. I have this conversation pretty reguarly and was just wondering what others think about it....particularly those who didnt go to college.
Ill be throwing out these convo topics every now n again...let me know what ya think folks

May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend!!!

I love Memorial Day weekend....its like the national cookout weekend, and i love me some picnic food.

Will Smith described Philly to a T (i dont know what that means but old people say it so it sounds right)...he had to have been talking about this weekend..listen to the words then if your in Philadelphia go outside look to your left and to your right and head towards the grill thats closest to you...or just follow the music

Heyyyy Duuuude!

hello everyone...sorry i have been MIA, but me n YODA just moved and we havent had internet.

in reference to things goin on...GOOD!

and in regards to my last post i have lots of updates for you folks-

In short...im back!

May 7, 2008

Urban Development

For all that do not know i am an economics major (yes ill wait while you all make ugly faces and say how you dislike econ). to be completely honest i dont even really like econ, but i do like some of the topics that we discuss; for instance we just briefly spoke on issues of development and unemployment (vague i know) but after the talk i began to narrow the topic down to what interests me: urban economic development - in particular Philadelphia economic development.

let me get everyone up to speed>>>

Philadelphia was once a happenin' place, all the movers n shakers were coming here. BIG GAP. here we are today. we see rundown buildings and homeless people all over. the city is now trying to make a comeback. in N. Philly (where i be @) real estate is one of the biggest money generating activities- however, because the locals don't have the $$$ to buy real estate it leaves the market wide open for outsiders (Jerz, NY, DC) to come in buy up all the property and take the revenue generated from rent back to their state....now you're with me.

N. Philly's problem is not the lack of $$$...its there, trust, i hear tell of students parents droppin' stacks on whole buildings just so little Timmy and Susie can be "comfortable". the problem is that the money leaves once it comes in. thousands of dollars of revenue created via rent leaves Philly every month and makes its way to NY, DC, Jerz...not good!!! it leaves the area marginally better than it started, i say marginal because property taxes and such help keep us afloat (essentially these outsiders are pimpin Philly). thus N. Philly struggles to increase its $$$, businesses leave, those who come barely make it, people have no $$$ to reinvest into the local economy.

Solution ---the moment you have all been waiting for!

Economic policies that allow for local residents of an area to purchase property at a highly discounted rate and provide city assistance in the reconstruction of property would boost the local economy. enticing businesses to move in, pushing the outsiders elsewhere, and turning N. Philly back into that happenin place from way back when.

what am i doing?

i am going to find out if anything like this really exists, if not and if so i am going to improve or create it, then i am going to bust my ass to get this thing enacted the way that it should be, so that when i leave Philly i will leave it in better condition than when i came...puttin that good ole noggin to use ;-)

how can you help

Im going to need help...my date of completion for this endeavor is August 17th, meaning whatever action that is going to happen i want to be starting on that date (gotta bust down some bureaucratic doors here). so that means anyone interested in helping or providing some insight should contact me via email: c.dantley@temple.edu or just comment on this post and the others that will follow

this is the first step to taking over the world...one city at a time, my plan is beginning to unfold (dont worry ill keep yall posted) <--pun intended

Apr 21, 2008

Welcome Back

I was gone for a long time everyone...for those of you who know me personally you could probably guess my life has been pretty sweet lately (that was wet with sarcasm). For those of you who dont know me here is the breakdown:

21 credits (i could honestly just stop here)

2 jobs currently---->transition---->1 permanent job

graduation stuff

new apartment...oh joy

the breakup----2 years of great times .:sigh:.

out of town visitors --love you guys but my house is an f-ing mess

random implosions that occur in everyday life

despite all the stuff thats been going on i can honestly say that these past couple of weeks have been quite amazing. i learned so much about myself, other people, and random stuff that i can leave college knowing i had what they call "the full experience". im not leaving yet (got a bunch of summer classes to take) but i just wanna shout out all of the people who have taken this college journey with me...yall know who you are and i hope your smiling right now, i know i am. its like that when you look back on one of the greatest periods in your life ...you may not know what im talking about right now but you will soon.

just smile...it will make you feel better

Apr 3, 2008

When Famous People Do Stupid Things

As we all know T.I. got in trouble for having some guns. Not just hand guns either, like fully automatics, anyways I saw this online today and it made me giggle.

Apr 1, 2008

On some other

Lets say we rewind to a place before i was sitting here at my computer typing these words. what would i have done that would change where i was right now. sometimes we do things that we think may change where we end up but in actuality all we do is perpetuate our fate and bring us to the exact same place that we would have ended up anyways. think about what you were doing earlier today...now if you could go back and change one thing where would that put you right now?
thinking about how much control you REALLY have over the things that happen to you makes you wonder. how much is fate, how much is divine intervention, and still how much is a result of something someone else did a long time ago (relatively speaking).

Just some ill s*** i was thinkin about today at work with my lady friend (Little Miss Sunshine thats you baby).

April 1st

So its April 1st...yessir you guessed it my favorite day of the year. Today is a day filled with laughter and fun, so as a tribute to April Fools Day here are some funny moments brought to you by YouTube...enjoy (i know i did)!

1:28...How did a boat get there???

Word Play

I've been online looking at a lot of posts and notes here and there about how terrible men are...maybe its just a coincidence but it really kind of irked me, so instead of being immature and writing a long thing about women I figured I would enlighten you all using my favorite subject...MATH

Do you believe in ghosts?

This is a Honda car commercial that never got aired because the car hits what everyone thought to be a person. He drove through the person walking across the street...you can hear the camera man ask if anyone saw it if you listen.

Crazy right?

Mar 27, 2008


I am obsessed with "freerunning". For everyone who doesnt know what that is, its probably one of the most amazing recreational activities on the planet. combining gymnastics, martial arts and cross-country these guys (havent seen any women yet) jump climb flip and run through cities. Me and my homie Cory gave it a shot a few years back and let me tell you its not for the faint of heart. not only do you have to be in top shape but literally fearless...just watch the video.

No we didnt get hurt when we were trying this stuff we actually had a lot of fun teaching ourselves how to do blackflips and run on walls. Ill look for a video of us doing some flips and stuff and post it on here. If i cant find any I have been re-inspired to go out and get in shape. Philly would be a great place to "run".

NY Car Show

So the New York International Car Show is here, and I am doing everything in my power to get there before its over, but I've been keeping track of the happenings and I just got some great news today...

(you made daddy proud baby)

Mar 25, 2008

Steppin Out

This was my ringtone for a minute.

Everyone had that song that listened to right before they went out to the club fresh to def. Yea this was mine. Definately a feel good song then, and still is today.

Yes, Pittsburgh is a REAL City

Im really tired of people tryna act like Pittsburgh isn't a real city. No its not jammed packed full of people and nope its not well known like D.C. or NY...but you know what, there are hundreds of things that are, "just better in the Burgh".

Im from the Burgh and I love that s***!!!


You may have never seen the movie Tron before but its pretty sweet. Kanye used this video for the song "I Wonder" (not the official video, obviously). I think its a good mix.


Driving is so therapeutic. I like to drive. I like to weave through traffic. I like it when the people in the car are holding on to the edge of their seats and I'm sitting in the driver seat one hand on the wheel. I like triple digits. I like driving.

Sometimes I cant wait to get in my car and peel off...now is one of those times.



Traded the van for it...straight up

Dumb and Dumber might be one of the funniest movies of all time.

Tastes so good, make you wanna slap yo' momma!

So my grandmother is from Jacksonville, FL and my grandfather was born is a shack in the backwoods of Arkansas. needless to say anytime i go visit them I get a extremely southern meal made with love (salivating...hold on please). It is very rare that you find any establishment that has soul food that would "make you wanna slap yo' momma"...but miracles do happen and we have found one (me & YODA). its called Warmdaddy's and its amazing.


Well if any of you are comic book fans like myself then you can appreciate this:

Ironman looks amazing the trailer is sick lets hope it doesnt disappoint.

In 2003 all Incredible HULK fans were extremely disappointed by the movie that came out and turned the HULK into some kind of joke...NOT COOL! Well on June 13th they are gonna give it another shot. While I wont go to the movies to see it (they got my money once already) there is a new director so ill be more than happy to give it a chance when it comes out on DVD. Here is the trailer.

Mar 24, 2008


This is so messed up...they laughed so hard


Mar 22, 2008

President: Barack or Hillary

MVP: Kobe or LeBron

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

he called him a pansy...this movie is outrageous lol

Scooter Tricks

Here you go YODA

This kid is 11 years old!!!

Mar 20, 2008


I am NOT a Temple University sports fan. However, I can appreciate an underdog doing and dont mind giving kudos when they are due. For the first time in 7-years the cherry and whites are back in the NCAA Tournament and I cant really say a bad thing about it...in fact Im kind of excited. So at 12:30pm today I will be glued to my seat watching them face off against #5 Michigan State.

Good luck fellas.

I dunno...

I came across this today...needless to say the results stung a little, but ill take it as motivation to do better.

Oh my word

If there is one video that you ever choose to watch on my site I truly hope that it is this one. Oh my word...this might be the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen(that i can think of right now).

Did he just hit him in the top of the head?

Does anyone else find it absolutely hilarious that everyone pretty much just said, "well im done, you?...alright guys lets go home" and then walked off?

They're only kids

I guess this is what you do all day when you "blow up" and your still young enough to have fun like a kid...S*** i bet the grown ups do the same stuff.

I know personally know people who have strong ass accents, but wow.

Im Sprung

If you've never seen "Love Dont Cost A Thing" with Nick Cannon and Christina Milian you should. Its a good movie (disagree if you must)...and shes really cute.

Mar 18, 2008

These guys

Ok so when I said I was gonna start with the Neptunes I meant it and ya know what these guys might be the most creative minds (except mine) ive seen in a minute. Just an example...here is their site.

Go ahead. Click it. You kno you want too.

Great work fellas

That last post was a little premature. I just read the entire article and to be quite frank...i am speechless. Read this statement issued by a PennDOT executive:
“We expect, at a minimum the close down to be at least two days, that’s what we’re shooting for. Four months ago, in October when we saw it, it was only a half an inch wide, the crack, and about four and a half foot long. So, it’s about two inches wide now and seven or eight foot long.”
Everyone who is apart of the crew of people who saw this FOUR MONTHS AGO gets a technical foul, and a swift kick in the balls/solid punch to the tits (gender appropriate of course). Im not an expert on this type of thing but there is no way that you can fix this in TWO DAYS!!! This is outrageous...i dont know if i should be mad or laugh at this guy. Oh yea and the guy who saw it way back in October and said, "its not that bad, we can fix it later" should get fired.

Well thats PA roadwork for ya. (they'll probably go to Wal-Mart and grab some sticky tack and rubber cement...pun intended).
GO PennDOT!!!


So today I found out that I-95 is broken...literally. Its easier to show than explain--->

Ok, so heres what I was thinking like two weeks ago when I went out to eat, what a coincidence. You know how in all of those action movies when Superman is kickin ass and takin names all over the city. Well what if your car was parked (as mine was at the time) under a highway, like I-95.

You park your car and leave. Find out that there is a bank robbery going on in the city. Speeding bullet, blah,blah,blah Superman is there to save the day. Bad guy is gettin that ass whooped all over the place. Then it gets real violent and they start throwing cars and falling into buildings. WHOOSH....BOOM. Superman throws this guy through the highway, and it falls on your car...reaction?

Superman or Superasshole???

Anyways i digress. When I found out about this a series of questions came to mind, bear with me here:

1) who do you call when you see this?
2) do you move your car first or just call?
3) how do you fix this?
4) what the f***???


Honestly all i can say is eureka!...so if you have ever been in my car you clearly know my situation with the music that I have(a vast array of horrible stuff that i listened to in middle school) and ive been thinking of a way to kind of start over without starting over, and find stuff i really like for a specific reason. usually when i see any post about music i watch it and scratch my head in confusion or just wonder how they even heard about it.

Each and every song on this clip has been a song that i have played in a CD player on a computer or (dare i say it) a cassette tape and really enjoyed. Ive always known that im not that deep into lyrics, but ive never been able to pinpoint what it was that consistently got me to really like a song and now once again thanks to chris (aka YODA) i figured it out. what happened during the first 20 years of my life and here the heck was I when all this stuff was going on???

Needless to say im gonna start with the Neptunes and go from there...rebuild my collection from scratch. Wish me luck.

Follow the link to get to the clip i was talking about (its on YODA's page)
"11 years of greatness" by Chris Francis

Mar 12, 2008

Dr. Suess

So i remember a few years ago i heard that Dr. Suess really wrote his childrens books with the intention of doing more than entertaining young minds. Many of his books were in acuality accounts of histoirical events and past political decisions that have caused lots of controversy in America...who knew. well the Lorax was one of my favorite stories. turns out it was about communism or capitalism (two very differnt things but i cant remember which one it was) crazy right. check it out...

Please forgive

Of course I had to post this. I know that you guys were thinking about this as soon as I posted the other...its a crime to talk about Will Smith and not listen to this. Enjoy!

Thank you for smoking

This guy is a master at fast talking and proving his point...its actually quite amazing. I know its long but you gotta watch the whole thing...this guy is a beast.

Told you so!

(ok so its daze and not "day"...we arent gettin technical here)

Just chillin...

Just chillin at the cribby and thinking about some good movies that I havent seen in a minute....here are a couple clips from me to you

The Last Dragon

If you were wondering...yes he was glowing


Great movie...nuf said

Mar 5, 2008

Hey...whats he doing over there?!?

Sitting in the computer lab at Tuttleman (Temple University building) and its right before class and its a ton of people standing in line to use the computers. Normally i would have gotten up and left a long time ago (the guilt of making someone wait while I'm on facebook is unbearable), but not today. I have strategically positioned myself in the far back corner so that it looks like Im doing some serious typing....probably for a paper thats due this morning. thought that was clever and wanted to share it with the world (world craig)...haha thought of a funny clip

P.S. making people wait for a computer while your on Facebook is NOT cool, its only acceptable if your posting a blog or doing real work. Those are the most pressing things in life these days...i guess

Mar 4, 2008


Cant believe you didnt post this Chris

anywayys...i applaud the genius who did this.

"I never really knew she was cute" - Uch

So my (other) roommate just brought it to my attention just how sexi Kelis is...
MMMM MMMM MMMM(much emphasis on the MMM)

If you look close you can see a little nipple :)

Im not that into sneakers...yet

But I do like these!

Back...wayyyy back

Does any one remember parapper the rapper...all over my brain right now

This shit was official!!!!


The is a lot of changes goin' on in my psyche these days, and one of the biggest ones are the things i am starting to notice. All my life ive been in the presence of music and sneakerheads etc. and now 20yrs deep im finally starting to realize what ive been missing out on. Maybe its because i just didnt care or was busy doing other stuff like hoopin, but watever the case i missed out on a lot of stuff (not mad just shocked). i find myself looking for the best movies, sneakers, music, and art...crazy right just out of the blue im seeing stuff i never noticed. Heres a couple of examples:

Pop-definitely was a sneakerhead, lookin at some old pics he had a decent collection (then he had 3 kids and the sneakers were replaced with baby clothes)lol i love him but he turned into the ultimate bargain shopper
Mommy-the ultimate moviehead...seriously if youve ever been to my crib and seen my basement its nuts, over 800 videotapes and our DVD collection aint to shabby either. but she can still tell you any and every movie down there wat its about and who the stars are.
Keith- this cat loves music...plays drums keyboard and makes beats (all self taught). And will talk for days about it if you ask for his favorite jazz musician or gospel singer or how he learned to play the instruments he knows.
Andrew & Dennis- not athletically gifted in the least but know basketball and football inside and out. from coaching little leagues to telling you everything that happened in professional sports 5min ago they can do it.

And i missed it all for 20 years, crazy right. Anyways before the slight discourse in topic i was talking about changes ive noticed...for the past week ive been looking and listening to things that i otherwise would have paid no mind to. ive been greeting people and instantly looking at their sneakers, watching movies and really hearing the background music, driving and paying attention to how stupid some of the music i listen to really is while noticing art/graffiti on the walls...absolutely blows me away when i hear a song that i think i know all the words to and after about 5 years of singing along really hear wat they are saying (sounds crazy but it happened the other night...teacher lick my panties off lmao no homo). I keep wanting to type its crazy but keep deleting it, but it really is blowing me away.

To all those who are tru "heads" (sneakers, music, movies, watever) i have a new respect for you. Im standing at the doorway looking in and its calling me. Ive scratched the surface and am compelled to dig deeper. Im starting to understand how u guys feel, because im starting to feel it myself...maybe ill take the dive and completely become one with all of these different cultures that ive overlooked for so long.

Feb 27, 2008

This is doodoo baby.

My teacher was talkin about comedy today, and this was the first thing that came to mind...i died in class.

Feb 26, 2008

Coming Soon!

Well im sure everyone is well aware that Jigga man and Mary J are gonna be at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia and yours truly and MissMcPherson got 5 tix to the show. Needless to say im kinda amped about it, never seen Jay in concert before but i heard he never disappoints...so everyone take a moment and be jealous....

The Best Version

Ok...its been a minute...caught some criticism from the family (bonita), but I guess im back. So here we go!!!! I read this book a little while ago and it was brought to the forefront of my mind a few days ago. Basically the point of the book is that everyone knows exactly what they have to do to be the best version of themselves possible (in fact as i type this post i am thinking of all the things i should be doing to better myself). Thats the hook, everyone knows exactly what they have to do but when push comes to shove we constantly choose to do the exact opposite or sometime a close substitute to the thing that will create the best version of you. Not saying that i regret who i am, because all of the choices not to do the best thing have brought me here but think about it...why dont you always do exactly what you know will create the best version of yourself?

Feb 14, 2008

The reasons why we're here

Everyone has that one thing that they are extremely interested in, from sneakers to poetry to just being creative and different. reguardless of what it is you have to respect it, as long as they arent just fakin it to be cool. many of these people have sites and by just looking at their sites you can tell what their "thing" is...that being said if you asked me what was my one thing that i am extremely interested in, i would say "business-ology".

The suffix ology refers to a field of study or academic discipline, therefore i study everything having to do with business...start to finish...thats what i do. A large component of "business-ology" is business psychology. one of the main necessities within this branch is a well-rounded knowledge of all subjects (i wont go into why, because you probably dont really care). So i will say that the primary objective of this site is to increase my knowledge of all subjects, so thats what your gonna see. I want this site to appeal to everyone in some way shape or form. Games, Music, Sports, Cars, funny things i see and anything else you can imagine will be posted here. for your entertainment and our education...this is a learning experience people

You might see me in...

The Audi R8 might be the sickest car out right now, Ive had an audi for the past 3 years and it was the best decision (as far as cars go) Ive ever made.

Check it out----->http://www.truthinengineering.com/

Feb 13, 2008

Introductions...if thats what you wanna call it

Ok. I guess everyone who makes a blog does this, so why not....

Hi, everyone this is my first post (as if you didnt already know). Thanks for visiting my page (even tho i just told you to come here)....umm yea. some people are deep some are not, im one of the nots. so if your looking for something earth shattering, goodbye because this will only keep your attention until the next period, so ill spare you and put it here. <----there it is...now get off my page cuz i didnt want you here anyway.

A little about me???? Now do you really wanna know or am i just wasting my time, well from what i have learned people love themselves, so i dont care if you wanna know or not im gonna tell you.....on second thought that would ruin the purpose of this pointless page. ill just tell you im not the type of person you would ever guess to have a page like this.... I say "like this" because I have a mental image of what this page is gonna be like, maybe it will end up like i imagined and maybe it wont...only time will tell.

DISCLAIMER: I lose interest in a lot of stuff very quick, so this might very well be my last post. I hope not, and if you read this far im sure you hope not too....so lets hope together!

Now on to more bigger and better stuff.....