Feb 13, 2008

Introductions...if thats what you wanna call it

Ok. I guess everyone who makes a blog does this, so why not....

Hi, everyone this is my first post (as if you didnt already know). Thanks for visiting my page (even tho i just told you to come here)....umm yea. some people are deep some are not, im one of the nots. so if your looking for something earth shattering, goodbye because this will only keep your attention until the next period, so ill spare you and put it here. <----there it is...now get off my page cuz i didnt want you here anyway.

A little about me???? Now do you really wanna know or am i just wasting my time, well from what i have learned people love themselves, so i dont care if you wanna know or not im gonna tell you.....on second thought that would ruin the purpose of this pointless page. ill just tell you im not the type of person you would ever guess to have a page like this.... I say "like this" because I have a mental image of what this page is gonna be like, maybe it will end up like i imagined and maybe it wont...only time will tell.

DISCLAIMER: I lose interest in a lot of stuff very quick, so this might very well be my last post. I hope not, and if you read this far im sure you hope not too....so lets hope together!

Now on to more bigger and better stuff.....

1 comment:

Cousin Chris said...

the honesty of your disclaimer is respectable. I'm seriously hoping to see your blog blossom, though (no homo). the word "aimless" was choosen for a reason. let it be so. if you have something to say then damnit, just say it. you got at least one listener/reader.