Mar 18, 2008

Great work fellas

That last post was a little premature. I just read the entire article and to be quite frank...i am speechless. Read this statement issued by a PennDOT executive:
“We expect, at a minimum the close down to be at least two days, that’s what we’re shooting for. Four months ago, in October when we saw it, it was only a half an inch wide, the crack, and about four and a half foot long. So, it’s about two inches wide now and seven or eight foot long.”
Everyone who is apart of the crew of people who saw this FOUR MONTHS AGO gets a technical foul, and a swift kick in the balls/solid punch to the tits (gender appropriate of course). Im not an expert on this type of thing but there is no way that you can fix this in TWO DAYS!!! This is outrageous...i dont know if i should be mad or laugh at this guy. Oh yea and the guy who saw it way back in October and said, "its not that bad, we can fix it later" should get fired.

Well thats PA roadwork for ya. (they'll probably go to Wal-Mart and grab some sticky tack and rubber cement...pun intended).
GO PennDOT!!!

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